The perfumer and her husband enjoy life in Dubai, with its silk shops, water workouts, large lunches and friends who are like familyUp early? I’m not the earliest of risers, but I live in Dubai and can walk to the beach for sunrise at 6.30am. Other than people, I miss nothing about home – my husband Gary and I feel as if we’re living our senior gap year.Sunday breakfast? A green juice and a red juice but, if I’m hungover, it’s eggs Benedict. Continue reading...
This Guardian article profiles perfumer Jo Malone, focusing on her Sunday rituals. Beyond the typical Sunday activities, the key conceptual idea is Malone's multi-layered approach to fragrance, as she habitually wears four or five different scents simultaneously. This highlights her deep passion for scent and her creative exploration of fragrance layering.
This Guardian article profiles perfumer Jo Malone, focusing on her Sunday rituals. Beyond the typical Sunday activities, the key conceptual idea is Malone's multi-layered approach to fragrance, as she habitually wears four or five different scents simultaneously. This highlights her deep passion for scent and her creative exploration of fragrance layering.